5 Crazy Coincidences You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

We’ve all dealt with some kind of coincidences in our lives. Maybe you’ve thought of a friend you haven’t seen for years and suddenly he calls you out of the blue. Or maybe you’ve said something at the same time with another person. Our lives are filled with these small coincidences and we usually don’t pay much attention to them beyond the usual ‘oh, wow’. But then there are bigger coincidences that sometimes baffle even scientists. These unexplainable things happen all around us and history is filled with such examples. Did you know that the Titanic tragedy was predicted years before the ship was even built? And how about Simpsons predicting Trump’s presidency 16 years ago? Here are 5 crazy coincidences that actually happened.Proof of reincarnation?
There’s something really eerie about two people looking absolutely alike. Enzo Ferrari, the owner and founder of the Ferrari Company, died on August 14, 1988. Just a few months later Mesut Özil, the future Arsenal footballer, came into this world. Now take a look at their pictures and try to find some differences. These men look so creepily alike!

The Simpsons Predicted Trump for President
How could they know this would happen back in 2000? Of course, the Simpsons have been known to predict all kinds of things with a different level of accuracy, but this seems a bit too much even for them. No one saw it coming, but somehow they did! A creepy coincidence indeed.

Deaths on the Hoover Dam
The construction of the Hoover Dam took a total of 112 lives, but the strangest accidents of all were the first and the last one. George Tierney, the surveyor, was the first man to die on the Hoover Dam. He drowned In the Colorado River looking for a perfect spot for the dam. This happened on December 20, 1922. What’s more spine-chilling is the fact that his very own son, Patrick Tierney, was the last man to die on the dam. He died 15 years later on December 20, the same day his father passed away.

The ultimate survivor
It’s hard to call this man lucky because he has witnessed two horrifying acts of violence, but he did survive through both of them! Last year Matthew played dead after being shot during the terrorist attack on the Bataclan theater in Paris, but what’s more unbelievable is that he has also witnessed and survived through the 9/11 attack that happened 14 years earlier. He was passing by one of the twin towers when the building was hit by a plane.

The sinking of the Titanic was predicted
Writers have been known for making all kinds of educated guesses and wild predictions, but Morgan Robertson seems to have outdone them all. In his novella written in 1898 he described the sinking of a ship named the Titan which was also thought to be unsinkable. Just like Titanic, the ship in the book collided with an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic. He wrote this book 14 years before the actual tragedy happened!
